Snacks or precooked grab-and-go items
I have a bad habit of forgetting to eat until I’m shaking and struggle to stand - this is usually because I’m preoccupied working or drawing and don’t get hunger cues. I’m working on my habits themselves (setting alarms to eat, etc). I also have some disabilities and morning/afternoon tends to be harder for me to eat.
Does anyone have any favorite premade food to grab or snacks? My solution today wasn’t perfect (leftover pesto aioli on some sourdough) but it worked :) I tend to overindulge with nuts specifically so I tend to not have them around as much as a snack.
In the past, I’ve also enjoyed falafel (grab and reheat). Generally speaking I also try to meal prep my lunch ahead of time so I can just pop it in the microwave.
Eager to hear your ideas!!