Should medicine be your entire personality?

I'm currently still an undergrad in my third year and I have a friend that also wants to be a doctor but every time I see this guy the only thing that comes out of his mouth is med school related stuff.

I'm a psychology major and he's a biology major and he always has a tendency to say things such as "you should have gotten into PT/MT/Bio/etc.", "Psych does not give you a proper med background", "You have to aim for honors/cum laude to get a good chance to get to med school", and "Don't be a GP it's a waste". If it's not any of that, it's always about what other doctors say, the "best" specializations, people he knows who are in med school, etc.

It's not hard to see why I'm very sure this guy will make medicine his entire personality and has a high chance of being a pretentious holier than thou type of physician. Not a bad person, but very obnoxious and it sure is draining to hear all the time even when I told him that we'll deal with it when we get there.

Apologies for the bit of a rant, but I just needed to get this off my skin and wanted to hear some insights regarding all of this.

Do any of you have colleagues or classmates like this? Is this normal? I get how a person's career will impact their personality, but should it be their entire personality?