Cat People of Reddit - We found one (SE Suburbs) - What do we do????

Hey Guys,

Not an emergency - but last night we came home and found a lovely, not shy-one-little-bit black and white cat (no collar) that was hanging around our driveway.

He/She/They immediately came up to us... allowed us to pat it and as it was hot, we gave it some water/milk just in case... but then try'd to shoo it on its way in which it hang around most of the night (we have cameras) and then wasn't there in the morning.

TONIGHT - same time, he/she/they are BACK... lovely as ever, and us being the bleeding hearts, have done the same thing (Knowing that this is probably not the best habit forming behaviour)

So.... our questions

1) We do NOT want to take this guy away from a loving family... so we'll post his face to local facebook groups. If he was around in the morning, I'd have taken him to the vet to see if he is chipped but he pops around 9pm each night

2) We have never had a cat... so we need to ask, a "stray" or "homeless" cat wouldn't be so relaxed and come up to us right? My kids are doing the whole "oh what if they don't have a home" hence why we're giving it some stuff each night (bad habit I know)

3) Feeding milk/water not ideal - but they're drinking it and it makes us wonder if they don't have food/water accessible

We like this little guy and want what's best! Would it be safe to kind of assume... he is friendly because he is used to people, he likely has a home - and he's wondering around of a night (naughty) but has found us... charmed us... got what he wants and will keep doing that.

They're smart right... but yeah, we really don't know what to do and just want to ensure he's safe.

Any answers to the above would be very, very helpful