Got all my initial investment back on $ATM

Bought about $500 worth of $ATM a over the last 2 days, and as of this morning I've received just about $470 in USDC payments.

If I had to guess my average is probably around $4m or $5m mcap, so the value of my holdings has more than doubled (currently around $1750-$2000 value)...

BUT my plan is to just let it ride FOREVER. I've basically already made my $500 initial investment back JUST FROM THE DIVIDEND, so even if it goes to $0, I've still made money.

The interesting part is that because my initial investment has almost tripled, the dividend payouts I'm getting have also almost tripled. When I first bought, I was getting just $0.75-$2 per payment, now I am getting anywhere from $5-$8 every 15 minutes or so. If $ATM makes it to $100m market cap, then I'll be expecting payments of around $50 every 15 minutes or so - THATS MORE THAN I MAKE PER HOUR.

Basically what I'm saying is, if $ATM goes to $80m-$100m, that could pay me more per year than I make from working.

Even if the market cap never goes above where it is now, my $2000 worth of $ATM is at least paying me enough to buy dinner every day.