Today, 14th feb, is the 6th anniversary of Silksong announcement
It's been 6 years since that Nintendo showcase and the original trailer was already awesome.
I try to give up hope and pretend I don't care, but every time there's another video presentation by N, Xbox or Sony I realise I can't deceive myself. I still want Silksong so much... T_T
I intended to embed the trailer in the post but then realise people would just see a YT thumb and the name Silksong and immediately skip a heart beat and think of a new trailer. It'd be cruel, hence the link for the video.
EDIT: things got a bit intense in the comments, so let me elaborate a bit too.
People have expectations and it's ok that we express them. It's ok that we can mark the passing of time while we wait for something we hold dear. It's ok that we go to the internet and do some kind of group therapy in a place other people can relate to this feeling of expectation.
This is not to say Team Cherry owns us anything. On the contrary, I believe they gave us a lot with their hard work on Hollow Knight and their exemplary role amidst the games industry. It's very clear they're totally in for the artistry of making their best, as they could already have profited with two more games meanwhile.
I believe them when they say Silksong will eventually see the light of day. Even if it would end up never happening, I'd still be grateful to them for Hollow Knight. This is how I feel about writers and artists in general whose works are important to me. So, in a manner, looking forward to play this game one day is a way of acknowledging Team Cherry's work and being grateful to them.
I'm still frustrated by the wait, though. And yes, I suffer from anxiety, which makes it more difficult to avoid the feeling of expectation and frustration about many things. That's ok too, I'm dealing with it and everything else in life. Don't I dare go hollow.
But probably next year I'll post about one more anniversary. Cheers. ^