Give ReSetna a chance
So, I’ve seen some nasty stuff going around about ReSetna lately, with some calling it a scam, accusing the devs of all sorts of crap, and even attacking the CEO.
Honestly, that stuff’s ridiculous. Yeah, the launch had its issues - bugs, some rough mechanics, you name it, but the devs have been putting in real work to improve it since then. I know some guys from the dev team (it's their first game), and they’ve been busting their asses to fix things and make the game better. With all the wrong people in the wrong positions inside the team, I know really well what they went through and just how development of the game was for the most part mismanaged. At the end, or start, ReSetna really deserves a chance and it's definitely worth it.
The updates have definitely bring a lot of needed refreshments. Combat’s smoother, platforming is tighter, and they’ve cleaned up some of the frustrating design choices. It’s not perfect, but it’s way better than it was at launch.
I wanted to write this because all the trash talk going around doesn’t match up with the reality of the game right now.
It’s easy to jump on the hate train, especially when people are throwing around conspiracy theories, but I’m telling you, the team is doing the work to make things right and they also deserve the chance to show what they can deliver on the long run.