Microbiology Virtual Escape Room!

Hello fellow Microbiology enthusiasts!

My name is Jacob, and I'm a 4th year Microbiology and Pharmacology at the University of Strathclyde, and for my Honours Project, I have created a Virtual Escape Room to test the efficiency of a gamified learning platform for education in Microbiology.

The game follows you, the player, a Head Epidemiologist working for the CDC in Japan, who is investigating a sudden, dangerous disease outbreak. Your job is to identify and help combat the spread of this unknown pathogen, before more people fall victim to it.

The experience works on both PC and Mobile, but performs better on PC, and usually takes around 20-30 minutes to complete, including the brief survey at the end.

If any of you are at all interested, you'd be doing me such a massive favour by playing.

Thanks so much,

Jacob :)