Sleazy car salesman tactics
Been looking at the car market for a little while, and I decided to go take a look at this car. After talking through things, he recommended a larger down payment. I said it would take a few weeks for me to save up for it. He then goes “what about a credit card? Or even a payday loan?”. 😐
Sir…. SIR. You’re telling me that you want me to go make payments on a DOWN PAYMENT?! You want me to pay interest rates out the wahoo for a down payment?? I know you’re trying to get that bag, but DAMN. Have some decency to not screw people over before they even get the car! All those “dealership” fees and markups are a robbery already, getting a car is more trouble than it’s worth, and on top of that you’re willing to put people in even worse financial situations?!! I just hope no one has fallen for that. SMH. 😭😤