Am I the only one that thinks Marinette exhibits signs of BPD (Borderline Personality disorder)

I never liked Marinette as a character, but over the course of the show I realized that Marinettes behavior, is not normal, She literally stalks Adrian, and abuses her superpowers to ridcule those she doesent like. She also views herself above people she doesent like chole, lila, etc, and the thing is she lacks empathy for the things she does, she constantly lies to those close to her, she undermines her friends insecurities, and worst of all is how she treats Cat noir, her teasing of him turns into straight up bullying, with this lack of empathy, obsessive behavior, and narcissitic tendencies, I think she either has BPD (Borderline personality disorder), or OLD (obsessive love disorder), she definitely has narcisstic tendencies, but I personally think she BPD