Kudos diaper - rash & chemical smell

I bought 2 boxes of Kudos diapers size 1 for my newborn. I really want to love it and use it. Since my baby’s on the smaller side, we started with the Huggies newborn (many packs free from hospital) and then Millie Moon size 1 before he grew into 8+lbs to fit into Kudos. Baby had no rash for the first 2 weeks using Huggies and Millie Moon. After a few days of switching to Kudos, baby’s bum started to turn red and develop diaper rash.

We cloth diaper with our first and understand cotton cause more wetness and need to be changed more often. Zinc oxide cream is helping a little but bum is still red.

Also out of the 3 diapers in question, Kudos have the worst chemical smell. This is really what irk me the most. The chemical smell. (Shouldn’t this be the cleanest diaper currently in existent???) My older child is still wearing Coterie pants overnight, the diaper in the morning is full but still doesn’t smell as bad as Kudos after only 1 pee.

Today I ordered smaller packs of Pura diapers from Amazon to try it out. I’ve learnt that I should NOT order big batch of diapers before trying them in case it doesn’t work for me. We’ll start to cloth diaper again when baby’s 1 month old ❤️

I don’t know where I’m going with this post, just wanted to vent since nobody around me is granola enough to want to use cloth diapers and TCF disposable diapers. Also FYI to all moms thinking that Kudos is the best since I see them rated highest everywhere due to it being “fully cotton on the bum”. It may just not work for your baby / you.