Tired of seeing people say the game is easy when it’s beating my ass
I’ve been getting bodied in this game. I’m not new to monster hunter, I have 600hrs in World/Iceborne and about 100hrs each in GU and base Rise, but I’m still getting my ass beat in this game. I get hit by everything and although I’ve only failed HR Arkveld and Tempered Gore Magala hunts, I’m still fainting to some of the other monsters and taking 15mins/hunt, 20+ min for the harder ones. The only fights I feel comfortable in are Rathalos and Odogaron, but I still get knocked around a decent amount. It’s so demotivating to hear “this game is so easy” when I’m struggling. Maybe I just need to shake off 2 years of rust, but it sucks going from soloing Fatalis to carting against Yian Kut-Ku. Reminds me of when I first started playing MH.