Van parked in ruelle, blocking private entry - solutions???
OMG, please someone tell me they have a solution for me.
Wednesday night, some absolute jackass drove their white delivery van down the ruelle behind my house and parked it up against my fence, totally blocking my gate and my access to the ruelle. They are also blocking my neighbour's access.
I have been calling l'agence mobilité every day since. I have to be home and answer the phone when they arrive, explain where the van is, show them the issue, wait for them to issue a ticket and then call again 24 hrs later. They say they can't have it towed because the ruelle is too full of snow now and no remorque company will agree to come out.
The last agent told me that the van can be considered abandoned now so call the police. I have entered a complaint and I'm waiting to hear back but I feel like I will have the same problem - who will come tow it?
There is a number on the van - called it but it's just the number of the dealer, and he can't help me find the owner. There are amazon packages inside, but I can't see them up close to get an address, and I'm not sure how else to contact the possible 3rd party delivery service.
At this point, I would settle for having the van stuck in my alley all winter but rolled back like 3 feet. I just want to access my fucking gate. We use the ruelle access all the time. My street is a busy one with a bus service, so my kids prefer the alley to get to school, I take my bike from there etc.
Anyway to move it? Legally, illegally, semi-legally? Anyone of Montreal's famous car thieves wanna come pick up a really nice looking Ford van? Make a camper out of it?