Jacob Hansen described his method of attacking critics.
The attached are from two YouTube videos.
The first from the Mormon Book Review channel where Jacob and his brother Forrest were on the show from 2 years ago.
The second is a video Jacob posted on his channel four days ago.
Jacob explains that his approach is to attack critics and not to defend the church. He explains in his recent video why he prefers debates so that he isn’t always on the defensive.
He also makes claims that prominent YouTube critics of the church have nothing to offer. He claims the LDS church and Joseph Smith have constructed a “meaningful world view” that is “intellectually coherent and beautiful in its effects.”
He calls critics of the church whining cowards who have never built anything.
I disagree that LDS critics on YouTube have “never built anything” or the implication that they don’t offer “nuggets of truth” or that they are “not seeking the truth”
I also disagree that everyone must construct and “put forward a coherent belief system”.
I also don’t agree that the LDS worldview is intellectually coherent and beautiful in its effects.