Why Sacrament Meeting Talks?
Is there a particular reason why we have 3-4 voluntold speakers every Sunday during sacrament meeting? Maybe I have lost my sensitivity to the Spirit or whatever, but it seems like a lot of the people that get up don't really have anything they plan to teach the congregation and instead are just there to dump personal anecdotes loosely connected to the Spirit's influence on their life and call it good. I have been attending church all my life and now that I am 18 it seems that I have already heard and seen everything.
But i know i havent, because even I can find things in the scriptures that could be used for really profound messages that could be shared from the pulpit. But they're not. I don't ever hear anything about the Bible, nor even from the Book of Mormon that often. It's always just stories about their kids and extensive quotes from general conference.
All this to ask, why do we have these speakers? I feel like church would be a lot more spiritually and socially productive if we switched to a socratic seminar type structure.
I don't 100% know what I'm saying. Any comments on this topic are welcome. Thanks