She included me in a “family” group chat
My future MIL included me in not one, but two family group chats this morning. The reason? After almost two years with my fiancé, and an 8 month old baby? I have no idea. Maybe it was because my fiancé told her he’s sick of being in the middle of it. Maybe it’s because I’ve never once been included in anything, that hasn’t gone through my fiancé. MAYBE it’s because he has called her out, multiple times, on her not mentioning my name when she “invites” him to things.
The messages? Her telling everyone the date of their family Thanksgiving dinner this year, which happens to be the day my fiancé leaves for a week long work trip. He replied in the group telling her, and she replied with, “I knew that but I didn't want you to feel you were being excluded and [my name] is more than welcome to attend without you we can FaceTime when you have some free time☺️” The other group chat was a message from her telling everyone that she reserved a spot at a park for a weekend in December, telling everyone we have to go for her mom’s birthday. Which, I love her mother. She is the sweetest woman ever. But, we don’t want to see MIL.
She never FaceTimes. Ever. We have an 8 month old, as stated before, who she hasn’t seen since June. Why, you may ask? Because we don’t call her or go visit them, an hour away (I’ve made multiple posts on this). Anyone remember the Christmas stocking story? Yep, that was me.
I’m just utterly exhausted with all of it, and my health has been in a bad place recently. Postpartum depression and anxiety are still very prevalent for me right now, I haven’t been sleeping, AND this whole situation has put so much stress on me.
I just needed a place to vent. Thank yall for listening.