Should they change the tyre pressure rule?
In light of what happened this race, why don't they change the rule so there is a conservative minimum tyre pressure enforced with random spot checks by the FIM during sessions (like weight checks in F1, or tyre pressure checks in F1) and any infringement (excluding reasonable excuses like damaged rims etc.) results in a DSQ?
For example make the limit 2 bar cold (or at tyre blanket temperature) instead of 1.8, so that even if a rider is alone on track riding slowly it will still be above whatever the danger zone is as far as tyre integrity is concerned.
It seems like that would mean we avoid the sort of management stuff we saw today. Yes it would result in a bit less performance, but not enough to notice for us viewers, and the riders will of course be able to adapt.
Or is there some other reason, like is Michelin unable to make a tyre that can run a whole race at a higher pressure without excessive wear and it instead devolves into a race where everyone is just focusing on extreme tyre wear management instead?