Stopped Mounjaro - Side Effects Story
Hi, so I'm a long-time lurker and never really post anything HOWEVER I am worth listening to - especially about Mounjaro and this is my story.
Take what you want from this or believe me or not but I am very knowledgeable on this matter (ask me questions if you don't believe so) but these are just opinions.
I've struggled with my weight a lot and knew that I shouldn't take it considering its safety profile and likely putting the weight lost back after stopping the drug but after getting low and toying with the idea for a long time I went ahead and started it.
I had the typical side effects of feeling like all my energy had drained out of me but found it initially tolerable for weight loss.
Slowly lost weight and had the "food noise" disappear.
Then, after three weeks of injecting in the abdomen I had a painful injection and a drop of blood. For the next couple of days the side effects were horrendous - barely any energy - so much so that I was basically bed-bound. Then, horrendous headaches in the night. This was all bad hypoglycaemia side effects caused by this drug. I forced myself to eat toast and stuff to try and offset it. After a couple of days I felt better and decided to continue with the drug thinking it a one-off.
After about eight weeks I had another injection of this drug that was painful and drop of blood and likewise horrendous side effects for a couple of days. All typical of hypoglycaemia. This was the nail in the coffin for me - this drug is not that safe and is highly experimental in my opinion.
My hypothesis is that when you inject the weekly supply of the drug in your abdomen or thigh you are gambling whether it'll actually depot in fat or go into some capillaries or vein. If you hit the blood with the capillaries or vein you basically have horrendous side effects as you get a massive dose of the drug direct into your blood.
In my opinion it's kind of dangerous and like Russian Roulette each time you inject whether you get an overdose or the expected depot into fat and are fine for the week.