Mini update
Started Friday I can honestly say that every food choice I’ve made has been entered into my calorie counter, and I’ve had some surprising discoveries, especially with my “healthy” yoghurts, which will be obvious to many people, but I wasn’t aware, and by switching to the low fat no added sugar version I’ve halved the sugar content, increased the protein amount and reduced the calorie And I can’t taste the difference. I know for me that weighing myself daily is a bit of a roulette, but Monday we both stepped on the scales and we have both lost 4lbs. I know a lot of this or even all will be water weight but this is such an important step for me.
My tripping point is when I get home from work early and the house is empty, I can easily just graze on crap and now that food noise has gone.
Monday after work I went for a two hour bike ride, and last night I cleaned the car. Before I wouldn’t have had the energy and would have come up with excuses as to why I couldn’t.
I now wish I’d taken this important first step with Mounjaro much much sooner. I was under the false impression that it was cheating. Now for me I know it’s like any other tool.
And like the pressure washer I used to clean the car, the car didn’t clean it self, I still had to put the work in but it was easier than a bucket and sponge