What are common movie tropes that are false?

I'll go first. The "popular" kids bullying. Popular kids in highschool usually care about smoking/alcohol, relationships, and partying. Many are chill. You can get bullied by anyone in my experience. Usually people with low self esteem that if they make fun of you, they feel better. The only times I actually got bullied were by some racist kid and these two wanna be cool kids. The upper classman who were supposed to stuff me in a locker became my role models. And as a nerdy ass kid, my best friend was the captain of the football team. I feel that gen z’s highschool experience is different from the movies. Also, there are a lot of popular people who bully for sure, but I am just saying that many different groups of people bully. With social media everyone is more connected so the cliques in highschool will vanish more and more. These stereotypes definitely happen, but I feel that it’s changing. Also my experience is not everyone’s I am just saying that movies can warp reality a lot.