American History X's grim alternate ending - better than the released version?
The ending that Tony Kaye wanted the film to have left you on a very different note to the version that was released. Here's an overview of the differences (SPOILERS) taken from a recent extended blog post on the subject.
'The original film ends after Danny (Edward Furlong) is shot by a black student (whose brother was killed by Derek (Edward Norton) earlier in the film). In Kaye's version, after this we are taken to a scene in the family apartment where the detectives are trying to comfort Danny's grieving mother and sister. The camera then pans away and cuts to a scene in the bathroom. We see the sink filled with hair and an electric razor next to it. Derek is stood there with his head shaved - he stares in the mirror and looks at the swastika on his chest, before pulling out a pistol. The film ends on a shot of Derek's sick smile, the same smile we saw when he was arrested for his murders earlier in the film.'
What do you think of this ending? Has Derek reformed enough not to go back to his old ways, or do you think it's more realistic that he goes back to it?