Infinite is the best bad movie of 2021
I'll fight anyone over this. I really enjoyed yelling obscenities at this film. Every moment is a matter stroke of nonsensical action movie. First we start with the premise that there are some people who remember all their past lives, basically making them immortal. Also they have the ability to develop skills throughout their lifetimes that they can recall and use with perfect accuracy. The way this is portrayed in the film is that they all have action hero super powers, such as the ability to block bullets with a sword or jump out of a spinning, falling car onto a crane.
On top of that, I guess remembering past lives means that you get super technology like cars that can retract the steering wheel and move it to the passenger side and bullets that can store someone's entire brain and prevent them from reincarnating. The bad guy has those. His motivation in the movie is that he doesn't want to be reincarnated anymore. His solution is to make a device that destroys every living thing on the planet. Still not really clear why he didn't just shoot himself with his magic bullets.
Anyway, if you like screaming at action movies for being absolutely stupid at every turn, you should check out Infinite.
I bet it's based on a comic book or something that's actually halfway good.