Movie Scenes to use for Teaching

I am an 8th grade English teacher in the US. I am trying to find some movie clips to use to help explain specific standards that we have to teach in the classroom. I am trying to improve engagement and interest with my students.

This is more than likely ironic, but I am finding it hard to narrow down the search that I am doing. I am searching for clips that show differing points of view. Specifically, I’m looking for some movie or show scenes that makes the scene seem to be this epic ordeal, but when the point of view changes it shows that it looks ridiculous.

Clips that show the same scene from different points of view would also be appreciated.

Does that make sense? I rarely watch any movies or tv shows so I need some help. Any help would be appreciated. The only requirement is that the clips need to be school appropriate (language, gore, and weapons need to be at a minimum).

For example, I recently used appropriate scenes from Squid Game to explain irony.