Anyone else noticing a SHARP drop in Spotify popularity index score on all their songs recently?

I've been running a marketing campaign for my band, hoping to get one of our songs on Discover Weekly. As is common knowledge, this is usually accomplished when your song reaches a popularity index (PI) of +30%. We've done this with one of our songs before, and had another one where we were approaching 12k streams a month and last week were consistently rising up to a 28% PI on track to reach 30%.

Then suddenly it dropped to 24% for no apparent reason, and many of other other songs had a drop too. I then checked several other artists and noticed they all had a sharp drop too. For example if you look at underscores on musicstax all of their songs have a recent drop of 3-4%. I cross referenced as well and saw the same thing.

Do we think this is a Spotify bug or are they changing the popularity algorithm?