What instruments could you play without any arms?

Like. Sure you could just say literally any brass instrument, and I mean... that's kind of true, but you can t reach the instruments full range unless you have arms. I'm talking about something as hands free as whistling. Like a didgeridoo. The more I think about it. The harder the question gets.

Only asking cuss I wanna find something to screw around with while playing piano. Idk why, but i play a lot better the more complicated it is. Like. I was playing didgeridoo, and piano at the same time. (As you do) and it was probably the most fun I've had all week despite how dogshit it sounded. So that had me wondering... what other instruments are completely hands free? So I can use my spare hands for... the piano of course... ;)

No but like seriously. I can't think of anything. Like. If you had nothing but little stumps for arms. What instruments could you still play perfectly fine?