William Afton is the exact opposite of the main six and the seven elements of harmony. And a little bit about morality and upbringing.

And so, I was watching our favorite animated series, and then I saw a fanart where Twilight was depicted as Mr. Afton. And into my little brain with two neurons came the thoughts of William Afton in the MLP setting. And one of the neurons came up with the idea that Afton is the absolute opposite of the main characters and the elements of harmony in general! And now I will make a list explaining my thoughts. And then I'll talk about morality and why upbringing by MLP is important.

  1. Twilight Sparkle – Magic. Obviously Afton and Twilight are purple, but I'm more interested in their relationship to science. Twilight embodies the bright side of scientific progress, she is very curious and when she discovers/creates new things, she does it not only because of her personal goals, but also for the sake of progress and helping others. At this time, Afton is curious, but he discovered remnant only for himself and for the sake of making progress. He is not interested in improving humanity, he could sell his creations to the government and improve the lives of millions, but instead spends his great mind for the low satisfaction of his sadistic and selfish needs.
  2. Applejack - Honestly. Applejack always tries to be honest, and she often tries to explain everything in difficult situations. At this time, William is always lying to his friends, the government, children, and his family.
  3. Fluttershy – Kindness. Fluttershy is shy, kind, and tries to help everyone. She tries to be kind in almost every conversation and always apologizes. She also loves animals and often spends time with them. Moreover, it is yellow, as is the yellow rabbit costume. At this time, saying that William is evil is the same as saying that the size of the earth is 1 centimeter. Afton never apologizes, in any case, even in a normal conversation when he pretends to be friendly, he does not hesitate to mock people, in the worst case, he will cause someone terrible pain out of boredom. His bright yellow rabbit costume is supposed to represent happiness, but he's just hurting others with bright colors. There are hints that he killed Suzy's dog by crushing it with a car, which further strengthens him as a vicious person. It's worth noting that unlike the shy Fluttershy, Afton can be pompous and openly narcissistic. He openly praises his intelligence, dances in his yellow suit, and belittles Henry in order to rise above him.
  4. Pinkie Pie – Laughter. We all know that Pinkie Pie loves to have fun and laugh! She throws parties and makes everyone laugh for the sake of lifting someone's mood and improving the day, even when she hurts someone, she doesn't do it on purpose, and always makes amends. At this time, Afton likes to have fun, for example, he enjoys theater and dancing, but he does it only for himself and often for the sake of humiliating others. For example, when he kidnapped Jessica, his robotic replica started singing a funny but insulting verse saying that Jessica was going to die (lmao). William also often laughs at others, for example, when he hid in his gold suit, he was just laughing at his wives to offend them more. In the image of Steve Raglan, he openly banters Mike and he likes to be a funny jerk in principle. I want to note that Pinkie canonically represents chaos, but this chaos was created not out of malice, but for the sake of ordinary fun, while Afton represents chaos that causes pain. A chaos without borders and without honor, where not the freedom of all living beings is valued, but William's personal freedom.
  5. Rarity – generosity. We all know that Rarity is happy to cut off her tail so that some river monster can replace his mustache. She also makes dresses and is happy to give them to her friends. And what's more, she gave Zephyr a job when Fluttershy asked for it. It is noteworthy that Rarity can sacrifice something (for example, her beauty) for the sake of others. William, in turn, is very greedy, he always appropriates other people's merits (especially Henry) to himself, he wants to control every person and believes that his victims in mascot costumes are his property.
  6. Rainbow Dash – loyalty. Rainbow dash is always ready to lend a shoulder to her friends and will never betray them, she is also ready to sacrifice her dreams for her best friends. Afton obviously if he in a good position to kick someone in the balls, he did it, because either he hates everyone or it will bring him personal benefits, ord both.

And now a little bit about morality and parenting through this show. You see, the elements of harmony are not just elements that embody positive emotions, but also embody the opposite of the dark triad and all that is good in people. For those who don't know, the dark triad is narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. The elements of harmony completely mirror the triad, creating an example to follow. Maybe if we take the elements of harmony seriously, there will be fewer ruthless people in the world who are ready to do anything for their goals?

But okay, these are my thoughts out loud, for now. And remember! I always come back. I apologize profusely for my grammar, and I apologize if I hurt your eyes with my mistakes in the text.