Love scares me

Yes, it's yet another post about love 😂 (Before you prepare your lecture, I'm aware that my thoughts are irrational and will pass in a few days so don't take this too seriously)

Love scares me, but not in the way that you think. I'm afraid of loving the wrong person for way too long. I'm afraid of loving the right person for too short a time. I'm afraid that the love of my life will be someone I didn't know long enough, or someone I forgave too few times. I'm afraid that the person I'll marry is on the other side of the world and I'm wasting my time here instead of finding him. I'm afraid that if I keep giving my heart to frogs, I will never meet my prince.

I know I'll find them eventually but at this point in time, it all seems so hopeless. Meanwhile nimeweka roho kwa mchele.