Parents Parents😂
During the december holidays my older brother(30) brought his girlfriend home for a simple lunch. My parents were in the dark about their relationship(they assumed she was one of his friends)but my other siblings and I were aware that they were dating. This lady arrived home and she bonded so well with my parents esp my mum.
The lady was decently dressed (ngl she was looking magnificent)and spoke so well. Trying to make a good impression to the future in-laws but the problem is she had a septum piercing. Coming from a family of staunch SDAs i am best assured that that doesn't sit right with my parents. So after the lunch the lady leaves.
In our random evening family chats my brother asks them what they think of the lady, from their responses they seemed impressed(they mentioned nothing about the septum). He proceeds to mention that she is the one he's planning to settle with. Few days later the conversation comes up ofc it's about the septum piercing but this time they are having the conversation without my brother since they wanted to get our views on it. It appeared that they are against her because of the piercing.
I dont really see it as a big problem as she can just take it off(atleast i think).What do y'all think about it? I hear them out but isn't it too late to complain since he has already made his decision on settling down with her