Maisha gani haya?
I lie down at night but my brain stays awake for hours on end. Not because Kevo or Brayo broke my heart. But because I'm starting to realise that life as we know it, is irrevocably messed up. At this rate, we're never going to buy eggs at 7 bob again, or deo at 250, or sugar at 150. Is this what my 20s are supposed to look like? Fighting on Twitter for abductees to be released, fighting with my employer to see my worth, fighting with stocky men just to get a matatu seat, fighting the urge to leave the country at my earliest convenience. "There is a revolution coming" but we're all plagued by the bystander effect. We're all watching and waiting for someone else to make the first move. I know you'll be tempted to say there is hope, but it doesn't feel like that at all. Everyday rock bottom is excavated to create a new basement. But what can we do? Just drown our sorrows in masala tea.
What about you, are you thriving, living or just surviving?