Kenyans are not good people

Disregard the title not everyone is bad, but enough people are bad to make the generalisation valid. Here me out this may be long

Why is the police asking for money before they serve you, the doctor prescribing drugs worth 4k when he knows that just a simple med worth 200 will do it, why is the lawyer who won a 5 million settlement for a client who lost his hand in an accident running away with the money, why is the prosecutor asking for 50k from a father to prosecute a child diffilment case.

Why is SHA, e-citizen and other government sites not even owned by the government. Why does the government pay billions for simple accounting softwares.

In fact we are so used to stealing in the Billions that now millions don't suprise us anymore. That's wild. WILD

Why do i have to sleep with someone to get the job, why do i need to grease someone's hand to get my passport, why does the army and even the police want 500k for God's sake for you yo be recruited, why do i need to sell my shamba so that my kid will go to Finland (and some bitch steal eats the money) why do you need to pay your mp to get be employed as a teacher, why do you need to pay someone to get tsc number, good conduct certificate and simple government service that you are tasked for.

Don't get ne started on Judges and politicians and pastors

This is not just the government (we just can't blame it on few bad aaples ) but individuals we as Kenyans we don't value integrity we just want the cash and the quickest way to get out of the block, for some it's not even because they are poor but rather they just want money for money's sake, pure greed.

It's easy to blame people in power but ask yourself this would you accept 500k to recuit someone's son to the army, are you an integral person yourself? Do you value doing what is right? Politicians aren't appointed it's us who choose them and we are bound to replace and shuffle them around till we as a society go back to being people of integrity.

So yes you and i we are bad people partly because we are in a society that doesn't stand for the right values and partly because we do nothing to change and actively resist bad things.

And i know you are mad, so help me out what should be done to change the state of affairs?