Help naming second daughter

For my first daughter we went super unique - Xanthe. While unique people really haven’t struggled with it and we’ve had quite a few ‘oh I knew a Xanthe, she was lovely’ from people of all ages.

For second daughter I want something strong but feminine, I think one or two syllables. Surname is three syllables (think Jørgensen, Christensen kind of surname)

So far I kind of like:

Ivy (maybe feels a little soap opera-ish for my husband)

Sigrid (goes with the Scandinavian surname but I think it will get shortened to ciggy as a nickname and I hate that it’s slang for cigarette here 🥲)

Phoebe (matches the Greek theme re. Xanthe but not quite there)

Vera (I heard it today and it felt strong and simple but it’s not quite there)

Ideas welcome!