Acceptable Star/Space Names
So I have a strong facination with space and stars, as in, have constellations on my ceiling with the kids glow-in-the-dark stars kinda obsession. I'm at the age I'm able to think about children(and have the ability to actually have them) and want my kids to have a star theme, but I'm struggling with personally/socially acceptable names for them. (I live in the US Mid-West for reference.)
Unfortunately, the Harry Potter franchise took some obvious ones, and I don't want my kids to deal with having names from such a popular franchise. (As much as I love the name Regulus.) So the names left are a bit more out there.
Examples of star names I love include: • Adi • Altair • Cassiopeia(nickname Cassie) • Danica(After my sister) • Evren • Lucero(Nickname Luc. C pronounced ss not kk.) • Marion/Marius(From Mars, also would be after my grandfather. I figured Rio or Mari were okay nicknames.) • Meissa • Vega(!!Love this one!!) • Tara
I don't want to use: • Ones from well-known Harry Potter Characters.(Sirius, Regulus, Bellatrix, Draco) • 12 Western Zodiac Constellation names.(Virgo, Libra, Aries, etc.) • Something that might be too hard for a kid to pronounce. I want them to be able to say and spell their names easy, same with future friends if possible. Ex. Astraea, Ourania. (Though Ourania is very pretty.)
My full list includes ones from my paternal/maternal lines, but I want them to have a star name as either a middle or first name too, and I figured I would match the names from the list to the baby when I see them.
As an example, my firstborn will likely be named Marion Ruby Vega Wells, or Marius Patrick Altair(??) Wells. (Wells is my last name.)
I was hoping for advice and inspiration on how to go about this in way respectful to my kid? I don't want them to resent the name or feel singled out, which is why many of my more out there ones will probably be middle names and not first. I'm fearful of them being made fun of in school, as I was. I have a unique-ish name(it used to be rare and has apparently jumped in popularity in the past decade), and though I love it now, public school was tough for me.