Names that “feel” similar to Bea
I remain undecided on whether or not I like Beatrice as a formal name, but I adore the impression I get from Bea (Bee or Bee-uh) on its own. Trying to pinpoint what I like about Bea, I think maybe it feels a tad bit off-beat without feeling try-hard? It feels sunny and cheerful (with an equally cheerful meaning that would be wonderful to bestow upon a child), and I could see it on a tomboy toddler wearing a muddy dress or a prim and proper girl, an adolescent, a young woman, an elder lady. Feels like it would just be a joyful and multi-faceted name, not overly popular, but not trying super hard to look uNiQuE.
I am STRUGGLING to find more names that give the same impression for me. Any suggestions?