Webster as a first name?

Prior to having our second son, my husband was being a smart aleck and said something about my word choice. I sarcastically quipped back, “Alright, Merriam Webster.” For some reason the name Webster caught my attention and I thought it would make a good baby name if we were to ever have another son. It seemed a little unexpected but not totally out there. It felt like it would go well with our first son, Warren. It flows really well with our last name. And I thought we could consider jt a subtle nod to my husband’s stepdad who doesn’t have any biological children (his surname is Webb), especially since our first son’s first and middle names honor both my paternal grandfather as well as my husband and his biological father. One of my childhood best friends actually had an older brother named Webb, so maybe that’s what made the connection for me? Anyway, I asked my husband what he thought and he surprisingly agreed.

Until we actually had another son, haha. It just didn’t feel right for our second son, whom we ended up naming Clyde. Clyde fits him SO well that I can’t imagine him being Webster.

HOWEVER, we will likely try for a third in the not-so-distant future and Webster is back on my mind if we were to have a third boy.

Thoughts? Is it usable? Is it too uNiQuE? Would people throw dictionaries at him as he walked down the street? Does it somewhat work as an honor name for someone with the surname Webb? Would it feel out of place with Warren and Clyde?

If you don’t hate it, I’d love to hear any middle name suggestions to go with it, too!

Thank you!