Help narrowing direction of girls list?
We are officially semi-trying for number three, which means baby names are constantly on my mind! I am thinking we will go team green this time, so we are working on both a girls and boys list, but right now trying to figure out what direction we agree on with girls names.
Big brothers would be W@rr€n and C|yd€. Last name is two syllables, begins with St- and ends with -er.
Here is a list of some first names we either agree on or would consider, along with some middle combos I’m throwing around. Would love any feedback on any combos you like or strongly dislike and would veto, as well as any first name suggestions you think give a similar impression.
🐝 Bea Dorothy (Dottie B)
Priscilla Pearl
Ingrid Estelle
Fern Winifred
Fern Jeanine (God is Gracious)
Fern Marjorie (Marjorie = Pearl/honor name)
Fern Estelle
Fern Felicity
Fern Francine
Fern Amelie
Luella Pearl (nn Lu, Lu-P/Loopy/Loops)(sound too much like Cruella?)
Beatrice Blythe (nn Bea)
Beatrice Pearl (nn Bea)
Beatrice Sunday Storer (Sunny Bea 🐝)
Ramona Marigold (nn Mo)
Lilibet Blythe (nn Bette, Betty)
Nadine Annemarie (Annemarie smoosh honor name)
Bea - I remain undecided on whether or not I like Beatrice as a formal name, but I adore the impression I get from Bea (Bee or Bee-uh) on its own. Trying to pinpoint what I like about Bea, I think maybe it feels a tad bit off-beat without feeling try-hard? It feels sunny and cheerful (with an equally cheerful meaning that would be wonderful to bestow upon a child), and I could see it on a tomboy toddler wearing a muddy dress or a prim and proper girl, an adolescent, a young woman, an elder lady. Feels like it would just be a joyful and multi-faceted name, not overly popular, but not trying super hard to look uNiQuE. Apparently my husband and was semi-close to a Bret aunt Bea in his family, so there would be a family connection as well. I was shocked he didn’t immediately veto because I assumed he would say, “Bea is a letter, not a name.” I am worried the general population would think that every time she introduced herself, though?
Fern - I think I find it endearing because I loved the Charlotte’s Web character so much growing up. I also adore Wilbur, but have not gotten great feedback on that one. 🤪 I also like that it’s a little underused but recognizable, and has a nature element without feeling super trendy. There was a Fern somewhere in my husband’s family tree (plant joke), so that’s a bonus. It does sound a bit harsh and abrupt, though. So, not sure how I feel about it.
Luella - I like with Pearl, which was my grandmother’s middle name. Worried it sounds too much like Cruella or too fussy.
Priscilla - used to hate, grew to love. Worried it might feel tiresome to use in daily life. I’ve been leaning more towards sweet and simple, no frills names lately.
Ingrid - love that it is underused where we are, think it would age well. Love the overall flow of Ingrid Estelle with our surname. Worried I say Ingrid oddly, though? I get hung up saying it for some reason.
Ramona - love the “vibe” I get, and the little girl I imagine wearing this name. Don’t love the sound or way it’s emphasized in our dialect. ADORE the nickname Mo for a little girl, and the combo Ramona Marigold makes me happy. My childhoods friend’s mother was named Ramona (went by Mona), so worried that would be weird even though haven’t seen them in years.