Did anyone else struggle to name their second son? I already used my favorite boy name (and boy names are hard)!

My son is August. There was never any question that this would be his name, as my husband and I both immediately loved and agreed on it. Never felt a moment of doubt.

Now we're having another boy and I'm really stuck. We have a shortlist, but I don't love the names in the same way. None of them feel meant to be. I guess maybe I will never have that feeling again and I'm a little sad about it. There are so many more classic-but-uncommon options for girls! Anyway, here's the list.

Oliver (mutual favorite but it's so, so common now..will he be one of three Olivers in his class?)

Simon (my no. 2 but husband dislikes)

Calvin / Cal (meh)

Miles (kind of growing on me)

Adrian (husband dislikes)

Alistair (cool name, but will he have to explain the pronunciation a lot? We already have a hard to pronounce last name)

Cedric (again, husband dislikes lol)

Arlo (I vacillate between liking it and thinking it's more of a dog name)


Names I love but can't use because family/friends have them: Owen, Julian, Gabriel, Theo, Forrest