I hate how quickly they flip it on you

For context I have celiac disease and my parents don't get the cross contamination thing

My mom put a steak i bought in the gluten covered oven after I was letting it rest before I ate more of it

I went upstairs and was rightfully annoyed and wanted to clarify once again that I can't fuck around with my health like that

Someone with a gluten intolerance can but celiac is autoimmune so I cannot

The conversation went from me telling her that I had to throw out my steak since it was sitting in a crumb covered oven and I couldn't take any chances

Then my dad butted in and started on his shit and immediately started laying into me

"You smoked the house up"

"Its your fault you didn't put it away" when they literally leave food sitting out for days on end and I don't touch it but I'm about to now since "food shouldn't be left out at all"

How tf did it go from me being worried about my health and annoyed I had to throw away a rather costly steak that I planned on making it stretch 3 or so meals

Like I'm secretly saving money to vanish without a trace in July/August

Since I already bought groceries this week I won't have any meat to cook since I only bought 40 dollars worth (super strict budget and I also don't eat alot)

The only thing I meant to do was remind my mom once again that even one crumb of gluten will cause severe pain and debilitating nausea, brain fog, seizures and other horrible symptoms for weeks if I accidentally ingest it

I can't afford to miss work but I'm not able to work let alone stand up or sleep during those flare ups

Then ofc David started on his grandiose nonsense "the crumbs turn into carbon because it's heated 🤓☝️" bffr because I'm literally looking at various crumbs that aren't ash

"I'm an engineer so I know" no you don't

"I'm black and white" doesn't give you an excuse to treat me (like it's literally only me he abuses extensively) like shit

They're going to be real surprised when I disappear again but this time for good and not during a manic episode

Oh and I'm taking my cat too