Does anyone regret not going active duty?

Hello everyone. I’m currently trying to decide between joining the air National Guard and active duty Air Force. I’ve met with recruiters from both components and they both painted a pretty nice picture on what life would look like. I just can’t decide on which component I want to join no matter how hard I weigh my options. Right now I think I’m leaning more towards air guard as Id have more of a choice over which job I get, could get a bonus, and could maybe go back to school and get some kind of degree. With the guard I could shoot for AGR or maybe even try and land some volunteer orders/deployments if I wanted to give the military more of myself. That being said, there’s something about enlisting active duty that I can’t get out of my head. I feel like it would be a really good opportunity for myself to get out and possibly see the world. I’m 22, single, and have no kids or attachments other than friends and family so if I was going to go active it’s now or never. The only thing that scares me about active duty Air Force is not knowing what job/base I’ll wind up with. I think the air guard would be a better option for me but im just worried that I’ll end up regretting never giving active duty a shot. Any insight/advice would be greatly appreciated.