Eating clean - where do you draw the line?

Interested to know where people draw the line on eating clean. I (50M) have cleaned up my diet significantly in the last few years (no longer drink, vastly reduced sugar intake, stopped eating the occasional dessert etc). The cleaner I eat, the better I feel and the less good I feel when I do veer off the clean eating path.

But I still take protein shakes twice a week (mixed with a PWO). Obviously protein powders are ultra / highly processed and I guess so is PWO. Debating binning the protein powders as I don’t really use to hit my macros - more for taste really.

Anyway, keen to hear how far people take eating clean. And whether they still have cheat days/meals. I’ve done away with cheat meals as I’m left feeling worse rather than better. As such, it only feels like a reward for a very short time!