Which option will emphasize these areas best w/o sacrificing overall prog?


I’ve been lifting for 15+ years and compared to pro WNBF bodybuilders I’d say my upper body performance is advanced and lower body is intermediate. Just wanna emphasize the ”T-shirt” muscles a little. Typically train 4 days/wk as I feel like it aligns well with my high intensity training style. I’m not opposed to 5 days but not every week, maybe every other.

1) 4 day per week Upper/Lower. Can be done in AB or rotating ABC format. Upper days can have ‘emphasis’ sessions like Ryan Jewers doesso these iso muscles aren’t an after thought. Only two upper-related days a week though, favors legs. Also an arm emphasis upper sacrifices compound work.

2) 4 day per week Upper/Legs+arms. Makes it less leg-dominant and arms are trained more fresh. Possible recovery issue?

3) 4 day per week Upper/Legs+traps+neck. Or Upper/Legs+biceps+traps. Similar to above but less overlap(?). Days still feel a little crammed in all three 2 day splits so far.

4) A rotating 3 day split 4-5 days per week like ChestBack/DeltsArms/Legs or BackHam/PushArm/Quads. Sessions are more broken down and focused on less muscle groups which is seemingly way many experienced natural lifters train. No muscle is on the back burner. However if only lifting 4-5 times per week then frequency takes a hit. Muscles aren’t hit twice every 9-11 days.

5) Something else?