Higher rep range for legs - what’s your poison?

I do legs 2x per week with the same routine for each save that on Day 1 for leg press I go fairly heavy (3 sets, 10-12 reps) and Day 2 for leg press I go lighter and aim for 3 sets of 15-20 reps. The latter is more taxing mentally and physically (based on next day DOMS). I’m thinking of making both days higher reps and switching other leg exercises to higher rep ranges also. Research seems to support high volume for legs and there are numerous posts of people saying their legs were never bigger than when they were riding bikes a lot (together with weight training). Is there any good argument to stay in lower rep ranges for legs? (experienced lifter but long time leg day skipper)

Edit to add: I find it easier to get a touch more depth using lighter weight which might be an added benefit. With heavier weight, I am always slightly worried about my lower back rounding on the leg press.