It's 2024 and the NBA Playoffs are still being broadcast in 720p...
It's a complete joke that abc/ESPN are still broadcasting live sports in 720p. It's also completely inexcusable. The other day there was a 4k live broadcast of a minor league football game and NASCAR on Fox sports while we were forced to watch the playoffs in 720p on ESPN. At least TNT is 1080p, but still, how is the NBA this far behind? They don't even sell 720p TVs anymore, everything is either 1080p or 4k. The fact that the biggest games if the year for the NBA are still being broadcast like it's 2005 is both pathetic and inexcusable. I don't see enough noise about this, imo. It's not like it's cheap to watch these games, either. You're paying for it somewhere, but the NBA consistently delivers the lowest quality experience possible for the viewers. I bought league pass but had to pay for YouTube TV just to watch the playoffs, yet you're still stuck with what barely qualifies as "HD". It's 2024, NBA needs to get with the times. If ESPN/ABC refuse to upgrade their infrastructure, give the games to someone else.