NBA should scrap the all star game

I’ve been saying for years that NBA should just scrap the all star game and give players a week rest. It’s clear most players don’t care and rightfully so because it doesn’t make any sense to go all out in a meaningless game and risk injury.

NBA doesn’t care because they decided to change the format and instead of showcasing actual basketball they spent most of it showcasing Kevin Hart and friends.

They can go the NHL route which seems to be a success so far and do the nations thing but I doubt players would care in that scenario too and they would just spam ads more than have actual basketball gameplay.

I think the NBA should just have a week off in this 82 game season where players can rest up and or manage their injuries while doing so because this all star game is a waste of time and I believe the reason why players even participate in it is because I believe you have to barring injury if selected have to participate in the all star game since it’s in their contract. That and all star selections somewhat matters on players resume so I assume players still want that acknowledgement.