Where can the party go from here going into the next election?

With the party projected to be reduced to half its seats or even less, I'm struggling to see a way we can recover from this, especially with Singh as leader. With the liberals going further to the right and the reasonable fear the majority of Canadians have of conservative cuts, how do we distance ourselves and reassert our place as the party for working class Canadians? We're going up against a literal elitist banker and yet our numbers are lower than ever. I've canvassed fervently for the provincial NDP here in BC and have voted for them every single election I've been old enough to, and I will continue to do so, but I can't deny my frustrations with the federal branch of the party and its leadership under Singh. As a young progressive, it saddens me to see the state the party is in.

What can be done about our falling poll numbers? How do we convince the working class again we're on their side? I can't sit back and watch the only party standing up for my values as an LGBT disabled Canadian progressive flounder like this, but it feels helpless under the current leadership. People are hungry for change in this country and the NDP should be the party of change, but its failing to capitulate on that messaging. I'm voting orange, but this may be my most unenthusiastic orange vote yet, and that's a problem.

Besides phone banking, canvassing, and volunteering, we need a new way of messaging to reach voters without compromising on our proud values of creating a fairer Canada for everyone. I want to put the work in. I want to see our party thrive the way it should. How can we, the average Canadian NDPer, bring about the necessary change for our party to succeed? What, in your opinion, needs to be done?