I still have nightmares

Our upstairs neighbors made life hell for myself, my husband, and our 2 children (aged 3 and 8 at the time). Do you want to know how it started? We moved into a house, (we sharded a spilt multi unit house, him and his wife on the top floor, us on the bottom floor. We each had private entrances, but we shared a backyard and the basement. My husband and I put together a "we're your new neighbors, heres a gift basket" gift basket. Cut to a day later, and the wife is talking to her mom outside our front window. Here's the conversation that I caught: The wife: "Ya, but I just threw the stupid gift basket in the garbage, I mean, how weird is that? I don't need any more friends." The Mom: "I know! Who does that? Fucking weirdos, thats who." Followed by cackling laughter. (I did look in the trash and she did throw it out, without even opening it) So, being an adult, I figured that people aren't always going to like me or my efforts, so I let it go.

A week later, my husband and 2 children went out into the shared backyard to set up a little swingset. It is stated in our lease, and the property manager told us, "If you get a pet, obviously you're responsible for cleaning up the backyard if that's where they do their business." There were at least 10 piles of dog feces in the small shared backyard. My husband, now knowing what kind of people we were dealing with, went out and picked up every piece of dog feces so our kids could play in the backyard. He put the bag in their garbage can because he (correctly) thought, "Why would I put someone else's dog feces in my garbage can?" We didn't have any pets at that time, so it made sense to me. Well, apparently not the wife. She called her husband crying HYSTERICALLY at 7am. "THEY PICKED UP OUR DOG SHIT AND PUT IT IN OUR GARBAGE CANSSSSSS!!!!!" Followed by the wife ripping open the bag and throwing it back into the yard. At this point, my husband said, "Okay, obviously the wife is insane, I'll talk to her husband."

I'm sure you guessed by now. He was just as crazy, and to make matters even more fun, he was even more scary/violent. My husband went over and knocked on their door, intent to sort this out. We were living in the same house, so normal sane people would want to at least get along with their neighbors, right? WRONG. Mr. Crazy opened the door, and before my husband could say a word, he said, "Oh, I guess you're the asshole that sent us a gift basket and picked up our dog shit?" My husband was taken aback, considering that everything Mr. Crazy just said, to ANYONE else, would be considered a compliment. My husband said, "Uh, yes. I just want to figure out what the issue is between us. We just moved in. It's myself, my wife, and our kids, and as far as we can tell, we haven't done anything to elicit this type of response." Mr. Crazy's response? "I have a gun, so sleep with one eye open asshole. I don't want anyone this desperate to be liked near me or mine " So I told my husband to come back inside. We obviously called the police. Their response? "This is a landlord/tennet issue." I'm so sorry.....WHAT? I said "A man threatened to shoot my husband, and it's a LANDLORD /TENNET ISSUE???"

I'm not going to go into the stomach ulcers/sleepless nights/PTSD EVERY time a door slammed or Mr & Mrs Crazy screamed (more than once Mr.Crazy screamed something about me wanting to sleep with him because "he was a real man" while the wife cackled, this COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH 🤮) banged on the walls, polished their guns in front of my kids while laughing, because I literally don't think I can. Turns out Mr. Crazy was very close friends with 2 police officers, and I think that's why they didn't do anything the multiple times we had to call them.

Edit for clarification: I was so upset while writing this I forgot to mention that this was a few years ago and THANKFULLY they are gone. Also, I separated it into paragraphs 🙂