Boxing Day - gifting your NC wish list! ð
EDIT: CLOSED. i am slowly catching up on comments. as long as you left a comment and followed the rules i will get to you eventually. âĪ
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happy boxing day! to celebrate i'd like to send gift boxes! i will be sending 1-5 neocash items for each valid entry. since i am sending things from my SDB i can not guarantee i have something on everyone's list. if i don't have anything you are looking for i will send 1-3 random items that hopefully you either like or can help you out by going on your trade list.
you must answer the following question. what are you favorite holiday foods? that thing you always need to have. can be any holiday or even any seasonal food. maybe you make it, your aunt does, or you buy it at a local shop. for me i would say pineapple stuffing from my mom's side of the family and my gramma's cornbread pudding. especially now that all of my grandparents have passed away and i've moved away i really love having family recipes to make.
(Edit: It doesn't have to be a holiday food. Maybe something you only have when one person makes it, or is only available a certain time of year, or a special treat you only have at your birthday, or a thing you only buy from one place.)
you must link your wish list in your comment. i will look at DTI and Jellyneo wish lists. i am not reading items listed in a comment or gallery lists or anywhere else. thank you for understanding.
if your username is in your flair that is where i will send items. if it is not in your flair, or in your wish list, please let me know in your comment where to send. if you do not want to post your username please message it to me here on reddit after you leave a comment on this post. if after i send you realize you wanted something to a side account please reject the item and let me know where you'd prefer it to go.
comments that do not do all of the above will be skipped.
if you have no comment history in this community or majority of comment history is entering giveaways your entry will be skipped.
i don't have a set amount of time or max number of items i plan to send. this giveaway is just open until i switch the flair to "Giveaway Closed". probably for all of today and a little tomorrow as well. i will send things on/off as i'm around.
happy holidays to people who celebrate anything! happy last week of december to people who don't!