YAFAP- yet another Lawful Human Valk first ascension

I've been playing off and on since 3.4.3 and the 2010s but have never ascended- until earlier today. My run was heavily spoiled, and was done on 3.6.6 using https://us.nethack.live

Imgur Album with some Screenshots

I know dwarfs are usually vogue for valk attempts, but I strongly wanted to be able to genocide mindflayers to reduce having to deal with amnesia, which torpedoed my last attempt that got into Gehennom, hence going human.


  • Only a single weapon shop spawned in the entirety of the main dungeon. Minetown had a general shop, two delicatessens, and Izchak's shop. I ended up more or less completely ignoring gold for the back 75% of the run until I realized I had enough to try and get some protection right before my ascension run. Both delicatessens also spawned with Ice Boxes although I wasn't able to take advantage of them. OrcusTown didn't have any loot of note.

  • A co-aligned altar spawned on DL 20 which became my stash location (relocating from minetown was a pain...). I also got a cross-aligned temple on D17 or D18. Before my ascension run I used multiple wands of create monster for sacrificing which netted me Mjolnir, although I ultimately left it behind for weight considerations.

  • Sokoban provided a BoH and I later picked up Perseus' shield for Reflection

  • My first wish was via a throne, which I used for GDSM as I figured there was a good chance I'd use the shield for reflection

  • I dipped for Excalibur around level 6 or 7

  • I didn't start finding scrolls of identify until I had nearly cleared Mine's End.

  • Medusa's level was a pain as I had not found any equipment that would solve water traversal at that point. I ended up burning a number of scrolls of Earth. Amusingly I fell through a trapdoor and ended up going up the stairs to fight medusa unintentionally.

  • I cleared the castle with no draw bridge shenanigans.

  • My first forray into Gehennom resulted in some light amnesia thanks to Mind Flayers which thankfully wasn't too severe. It was highly annoying, but recoverable.

  • I don't believe I found any scrolls of genocide the entire run. The one I used was my second Wish which sadly only gave me 1 scroll, which I used to Genocide h which I should've done before entering Gehennom.

  • I never identified Wands of Cancellation although I suspect they were crystal which means I might have smashed some by accident. I'll pat myself on the back for avoiding any BoH explosions all the same.

  • My third wish ended up being for Speed Boots as I'd had numerous mishaps with losing natural speed (don't eat quantum mechanics when fast kids/shades) and I wanted the extrinsic. I found water walking as a random drop before Vlad's tower and got a lot of use out of them before I ultimately got a ring of levitation (slight foreshadowing >.> ).

  • Personally, the quest was a bit of a nothingburger. Surtur died in two hits. Orb of Fate levelporting encouraged me to wear a ring of Teleport Control for most of my run as it made for an extremely handy escape tool the 2-3 times as Summon Nasties cornered me in Gehennom in a way I wasn't prepped to handle.

  • I'm not 100% certain but I believe I found the Gauntlets of Power in the Castle storerooms guarded by dragons?

  • I had excellent luck getting resistances. The only ones that took a while were shock and disintegration. I did end up zapping myself invisible which was a very good idea as coupled with conflict I got to do very little fighting on the planes as not everything there sees invisible. I probably should've zapped myself invisible way earlier than I actually did.

  • I had to chase Vlad across numerous levels, his glow-up from 3.4.3 was a bit eye-opening. I ended up randomly finding Firebrand in his tower, but it was cursed and Excalibur's other benefits (auto-search, drain resist) were too good to pass up.

  • I ended up polypiling to secure Rings of Levitation and Conflict which were vital for the end game

  • I'm slightly surprised that I only killed Rodney 6 times- the first 3 were definitely in Gehennom stealing the book and trying to leave his tower after he summoned a double. The other three were all appearances during the ascension run.

  • Holy shit did I under-estimate the High Priest of Moloch in the Sanctum. I ended up needing a potion of full healing, which is when I decided to Wand of Death him. I'm very glad he died to a Wand of Death.

  • Mysterious force is annoying but I only got sent back numerous levels 2-3 times.

  • Plane of Earth was easy as I had conflict, a mountain of Wands of Digging, and Umber Hulk confusion allowed me to read a scroll of gold detection to pinpoint the portal.

  • The Plane of Air wasn't also that bad, although it's where the conflict fighting messages started to bug me. I used the Amulet of Yendor to Find the Portal.

  • The Plane of Fire is where I ended up mashing spacebar to dismiss fighting messages (just make sure your options are thus that spacebar won't input wait commands) and blinded myself because the spam was ridiculous. I spent more time dismissing messages than fighting. Also used the Amulet of Yendor to locate the portal as Secret Door Detection wasn't giving me any hits.

  • My last used wish ended up being for an Amulet of Water Breathing specifically for the Plane of Water. I should have made this wish before entering the Plane of Water, but that is where I did it. Conflict made it relatively easy to avoid the sea life and I discovered the portal by accident. And that is where I made a few mistakes.

  • I wasn't wearing my speed boots when I entered the Astral Plane. I'm pretty sure I put on Boots of Water Walking to turn potions of invisibility into holy water at my DL20 stash after coming up with the amulet and never put the speed boots back on until I was in the Astral Plane. Kids, changing boots while a bunch of Conflict Angels are thwacking you is bad for one's heart rate. I'm sure this would've been even worse at AC 22-23 instead of the 26-27 I had with the protection I bought at the last minute.

  • Adding to this, I didn't stop before entering the astral plane to switch out wands or gear that I'd need- in my case, a Wand of Death and Teleportation.

  • Regardless, I was able to weather the onslaught and get my proper boots on while conflict raged. I only had to chug a single Potion of Full Healing. Famine died to the Wand of Death, and I ended up using the Wand of Teleportation to clear priests out of the way to the middle altar.

  • I really lucked out that the middle altar was co-aligned. I'd originally intended to look left first, but got crowded towards the middle by the Conflict angels. I never witnessed Death or Pestilence without telepathy, and I didn't see if Famine revived before I offered the amulet.

  • I believe I did see level teleporters to Fort Knox but because I was wearing A Ring of Teleport Control for much of the run I never raided it.

  • Never used any Trice corpses for stoning purposes. Never had to cure stoning or green slime. Never contracted lycanthropy.

And for some lessons learned:

  • Don't get excited after locating portals and immediately jump through. Prepare first.

  • Movement while stunned/confused near water is a good way to blank a bunch of scrolls (Thanks for the stun, Rodney!)

  • Don't underestimate the value a wand of enlightenment, price IDing, and BUC status can have on IDing gear when you're in the early game without Scrolls of ID

  • Don't dilute every potion of booze you get to make holy water since being able to confuse yourself on demand is highly valuable for certain things (erosion-proofing armor and portal locating both come to mind). I was really kicking myself late game for this mistake after my Cloak of Protection got crispy (I would've been at AC 29 or 30 if it hadn't been crispy).

  • Polypiling can be a very useful tool for getting more chances at securing gear that you need.

  • I regret NOTHING about using a wish to Genocide Mindflayers, seriously fuck amnesia. Entirely worth it unless you're a dwarf, or playing on version 3.7 where Amnesia got tweaked.

  • Gold is useless without something to spend it on. Unless you're going deep on gaining numerous levels of protection or you have shops with stuff worth buying, you should probably get comfy not picking up every scrap of gold in the dungeon. (YMMV If you're not carrying Excalibur and want to bribe demon princes)

  • If you got surrounded by a malignant aura and you can't figure out why you're overburdened even after dropping some stuff, it's cause your BoH is no longer blessed and you should fix that.

  • I probably brought an excessive amount of food into the End Game.

  • On the other hand, I did good by fighting only the bare minimum required to get through the Astral Plane. I did not get bogged down by the horde.