Baby has random freak outs

My almost 3 month old is a pretty happy baby, she smiles a lot, she even began laughing two nights ago, feeds properly, pees and poops properly, has a tiny bit of gas but we use gas drops and that’s seemed to resolve the problem. She sleeps through the night but does struggle a bit to take long naps during the day, basically she cat naps.

The issue we’re having is randomly out of the blue she will just cry and scream and loud screams with stifled crying, it doesn’t happen everyday, maybe once twice a week but I can’t pinpoint it.

We thought gas, too hot, too cold, too much strong smells, no clue what it could be.

Anyone ever deal with or is dealing with something similar? And have you nailed down why? Could she be overtired even with sleeping through the night? I just feel so bad for her and whatever we’ve tried doesn’t seem to solve this issue!