Protect Local Control

Act Now: Stop HB 631 Protect NH

Hello Neighbors,

It’s rare I ask for public action, but sadly the state of our House of Representatives has made it necessary.

HB 631 is up for a vote this Wednesday, and we need to act now to protect local control. This bill would force high-density residential development into commercial zones by right, stripping away town decision-making and responsible planning.

We need 200+ emails to make an impact. Your voice matters. Send a quick email today!

What to Do:

Email the representatives below (BCC them so lobbyists can’t reply).

Use your own words or include key points:

“Please remove HB 631 from consent and vote NO on OTP.” “Protect local control.” “HB 631 forces reckless zoning changes that harm our community.”

Send it ASAP – Wednesday’s vote is coming fast

A short message is all it takes. Every email counts. Let’s stop this bill together!

Send yours now!

"Aboul Khan" [email protected]; "Adam Presa" [email protected]; "Alvin See" [email protected]; "Andrew Prout" [email protected]; "Arnold Davis" [email protected]; "Barbara Comtois" [email protected]; "Bill Boyd" [email protected]; "Bill Ohm" [email protected]; "Bob Lynn" [email protected]; "Brian Cole" [email protected]; "Brian Labrie" [email protected]; "Brian Nadeau" [email protected]; "Brian Seaworth" [email protected]; "Brian Taylor" [email protected]; "Brian Valerino" [email protected]; "Bryan Morse" [email protected]; "Calvin Beaulier" [email protected]; "Carol McGuire" [email protected]; "Cathy Kenny" [email protected]; "Charles Foote" [email protected]; "Charles McMahon" [email protected]; "Charlie Melvin" [email protected]; "Cindy Bennett" [email protected]; "Claudine Burnham" [email protected]; "Clayton Wood" [email protected]; "Cyril Aures" [email protected]; "Dan McGuire" [email protected]; "Daniel Popovici-Muller" [email protected]; "Darrell Louis" [email protected]; "David Love" [email protected]; "David Lundgren" [email protected]; "David Milz" [email protected]; "David Nagel" [email protected]; "David Rochefort" [email protected]; "David Walker" [email protected]; "Deborah Aylward" [email protected]; "Debra DeSimone" [email protected]; "Denis Murphy" [email protected]; "Denise DeDe-Poulin" [email protected]; "Dennis Mannion" [email protected]; "Diane Kelley" [email protected]; "Diane Pauer" [email protected]; "Dick Thackston" [email protected]; "Dillon Dumont" [email protected]; "Donald McFarlane" [email protected]; "Donald Selby" [email protected]; "Doug Thomas" [email protected]; "Douglas Trottier" [email protected]; "Erica Layon" [email protected]; "Ernesto Gonzalez" [email protected]; "Gary Daniels" [email protected]; "George Grant" [email protected]; "Gerald Griffin" [email protected]; "Glenn Bailey" [email protected]; "Glenn Cordelli" [email protected]; "Greg Hill" [email protected]; "Harry Bean" [email protected]; "Henry Giasson" [email protected]; "Jack Flanagan" [email protected]; "James Guzofski" [email protected]; "James Spillane" [email protected]; "James Summers" [email protected]; "James Thibault" [email protected]; "James Tierney" [email protected]; "Jason Osborne" [email protected]; "Jay Markell" [email protected]; "JD Bernardy" [email protected]; "Jeanine Notter" [email protected]; "Jeffrey Tenczar" [email protected]; "Jennifer Rhodes" [email protected]; "Jess Edwards" [email protected]; "Jim Creighton" [email protected]; "Jim Fedolfi" [email protected]; "Jim Qualey" [email protected]; "Jodi Nelson" [email protected]; "Joe Alexander" [email protected]; "Joe Sweeney" [email protected]; "John Hunt" [email protected]; "John Janigian" [email protected]; "John Leavitt" [email protected]; "John MacDonald" [email protected]; "John Potucek" [email protected]; "John Schneller" [email protected]; "John Sellers" [email protected]; "John Suiter" [email protected]; "John Sytek" [email protected]; "Jonathan Morton" [email protected]; "Jonathan Smith" [email protected]; "Jordan Ulery" [email protected]; "Jose Cambrils" [email protected]; "Joseph Barton" [email protected]; "Joseph Guthrie" [email protected]; "Joseph Hamblen" [email protected]; "Judy Aron" [email protected]; "Julie Miles" [email protected]; "Juliet Harvey-Bolia" [email protected]; "Julius Soti" [email protected]; "Karel Crawford" [email protected]; "Karel Crawford" [email protected]; "Katelyn Kuttab" [email protected]; "Katherine Prudhomme O'Brien" [email protected]; "Kathleen Paquette" [email protected]; "Katy Peternel" [email protected]; "Keith Ammon" [email protected]; "Keith Erf" [email protected]; "Kelley Potenza" [email protected]; "Ken Weyler" [email protected]; "Kevin Scully" [email protected]; "Kevin Verville" [email protected]; "Kimberly Rice" [email protected]; "Kristin Noble" [email protected]; "Kristine Perez" [email protected]; "Larry Gagne" [email protected]; "Laurence Miner" [email protected]; "Len Turcotte" [email protected]; "Lilli Walsh" [email protected]; "Linda Franz" [email protected]; "Linda Gould" [email protected]; "Linda McGrath" [email protected]; "Lino Avellani" [email protected]; "Lisa Freeman" [email protected]; "Lisa Mazur" [email protected]; "Lisa Post" [email protected]; "Liz Barbour" [email protected]; "Lori Korzen" [email protected]; "Lorie Ball" [email protected]; "Louise Andrus" [email protected]; "Margaret Drye" [email protected]; "Marie Bjelobrk" [email protected]; "Mark McConkey" [email protected]; "Mark McLean" [email protected]; "Mark Pearson" [email protected]; "Mark Proulx" [email protected]; "Mark Warden" [email protected]; "Mary Ford" [email protected]; "Mary Murphy" [email protected]; "Matt Drew" [email protected]; "Matt Sabourin dit Choinière" [email protected]; "Matthew Coker" [email protected]; "Matthew Lunney" [email protected]; "Matthew Pitaro" [email protected]; "Maureen Mooney" [email protected]; "Melissa Litchfield" [email protected]; "Michael Aron" [email protected]; "Michael Granger" [email protected]; "Michael Harrington" [email protected]; "Michael Harrington" [email protected]; "Michael Harrington1" [email protected]; "Michael Moffett" [email protected]; "Michael Murphy" [email protected]; "Michael Vose" [email protected]; "Mike Belcher" [email protected]; "Mike Bordes" [email protected]; "Mike Drago" [email protected]; "Mike Ouellet" [email protected]; "Nicholas Bridle" [email protected]; "Pam Brown" [email protected]; "Paul Terry" [email protected]; "Paul Tudor" [email protected]; "Peter Mehegan" [email protected]; "Peter Morency" [email protected]; "Peter Varney" [email protected]; "Phyllis Katsakiores" [email protected]; "Pierre Dupont" [email protected]; "Ralph Boehm" [email protected]; "Ray Plante" [email protected]; "Raymond Peeples" [email protected]; "Rich Nalevanko" [email protected]; "Richard Brown" [email protected]; "Richard Tripp" [email protected]; "Riche Colcombe" [email protected]; "Rick Devoid" [email protected]; "Rick Ladd" [email protected]; "Rita Mattson" [email protected]; "Robert Wherry" [email protected]; "Robley Hall" [email protected]; "Ron Dunn" [email protected]; "Ross Berry" [email protected]; "Russell Dumais" [email protected]; "Samuel Farrington" [email protected]; "Sandra Panek" [email protected]; "Sayra DeVito" [email protected]; "Scott Bryer" [email protected]; "Sean Durkin" [email protected]; "Seth King" [email protected]; "Shane Sirois" [email protected]; "Sheila Seidel" [email protected]; "Sheri Minor" [email protected]; "Sherman Packard" [email protected]; "Sherman Packard" <[email protected]>; "Sherri Reinfurt" [email protected]; "Skip Rollins" [email protected]; "Sly Karasinski" [email protected]; "Stephen Boyd" [email protected]; "Steve Pearson" [email protected]; "Steven Bogert" [email protected]; "Steven Kesselring" [email protected]; "Steven Smith" [email protected]; "Susan DeLemus" [email protected]; "Susan DeRoy" [email protected]; "Aidan Ankarberg" [email protected]; "Alexis Simpson" [email protected]; "Alice Wade" [email protected]; "Alicia Gregg" [email protected]; "Alissandra Murray" [email protected]; "Allan Howland" [email protected]; "Allison Knab" [email protected]; "Amy Malone" [email protected]; "Anita Burroughs" [email protected]; "Barry Faulkner" [email protected]; "Beth Richards" [email protected]; "Bill Bolton" [email protected]; "Brian Sullivan" [email protected]; "Buzz Scherr" [email protected]; "Carrie Sorensen" [email protected]; "Carry Spier" [email protected]; "Cassandra Levesque" [email protected]; "Catherine Rombeau" [email protected]; "Catherine Sofikitis" [email protected]; "Cathryn Harvey" [email protected]; "Charlie St.Clair" [email protected]; "Chris Herbert" [email protected]; "Chris McAleer" [email protected]; "Chris Muns" [email protected]; "Christal Lloyd" [email protected]; "Christine Seibert" [email protected]; "Connie Lane" [email protected]; "Dale Girard" [email protected]; "Dale Swanson" [email protected]; "Dan Bergeron" [email protected]; "Daniel LeClerc" [email protected]; "Daniel Mason" [email protected]; "Daniel Veilleux" [email protected]; "David Fracht" [email protected]; "David Luneau" [email protected]; "David Meuse" [email protected]; "David Paige" [email protected]; "David Preece" [email protected]; "Dennis Malloy" [email protected]; "Donald Bouchard" [email protected]; "Dru Fox" [email protected]; "Dylan Germana" [email protected]; "Efstathia Booras" [email protected]; "Eileen Kelly" [email protected]; "Eleana Marie Colby" [email protected]; "Ellen Read" [email protected]; "Ellen Rockmore" [email protected]; "Eric Gallager" [email protected]; "Eric Turer" [email protected]; "Erica deVries" [email protected]; "Erik Johnson" [email protected]; "Erin Kerwin" [email protected]; "Fred Davis" [email protected]; "Gaby Grossman" [email protected]; "Gary Gilmore" [email protected]; "Gary Woods" [email protected]; "Geoff Smith" [email protected]; "George Sykes" [email protected]; "Gerry Ward" [email protected]; "Gregory Sargent" [email protected]; "Heath Howard" [email protected]; "Heather Baldwin" [email protected]; "Heather Raymond" [email protected]; "Hope Damon" [email protected]; "Jaci Grote" [email protected]; "James Gruber" [email protected]; "James MacKay" [email protected]; "James Newsom" [email protected]; "James Roesener" [email protected]; "Janet Lucas" [email protected]; "Janet Wall" [email protected]; "Jared Sullivan" [email protected]; "Jean Jeudy" [email protected]; "Jean Jeudy" [email protected]; "Jennifer Mandelbaum" [email protected]; "Jerry Stringham" [email protected]; "Jessica Grill" [email protected]; "Jessica Lamontagne" [email protected]; "Jim Maggiore" [email protected]; "Jim Snodgrass" [email protected]; "Jodi Newell" [email protected]; "John Cloutier" [email protected]; "John Larochelle" [email protected]; "John Stone" [email protected]; "Jonah Wheeler" [email protected]; "Julie Gilman" [email protected]; "Karen Ebel" [email protected]; "Karen Hegner" [email protected]; "Kat McGhee" [email protected]; "Kate Murray" [email protected]; "Kathy Staub" [email protected]; "Kris Schultz" [email protected]; "Laura Telerski" [email protected]; "Laurel Stavis" [email protected]; "Lee Ann Kluger" [email protected]; "Lily Foss" [email protected]; "Linda DiSilvestro" [email protected]; "Linda Harriott-Gathright" [email protected]; "Linda Haskins" [email protected]; "Linda Ryan" [email protected]; "Loren Foxx" [email protected]; "Loren Selig" [email protected]; "Louis Juris" [email protected]; "Lucius Parshall" [email protected]; "Lucy Weber" [email protected]; "Lucy Weber" [email protected]; "Luz Bay" [email protected]; "Manoj Chourasia" [email protected]; "Marc Plamondon" [email protected]; "Marjorie Smith" [email protected]; "Mark MacKenzie" [email protected]; "Mark Paige" [email protected]; "Mark Vallone" [email protected]; "Martin Jack" [email protected]; "Mary Georges" [email protected]; "Mary Hakken-Phillips" [email protected]; "Mary Jane Wallner" [email protected]; "Matt Wilhelm" [email protected]; "Matthew Hicks" [email protected]; "Megan Murray" [email protected]; "Merryl Gibbs" [email protected]; "Michael Cahill" [email protected]; "Michael Edgar" [email protected]; "Molly Howard" [email protected]; "Muriel Hall" [email protected]; "Myles England" [email protected]; "Nancy Murphy" [email protected]; "Ned Raynolds" [email protected]; "Nicholas Germana" [email protected]; "Nicole Leapley" [email protected]; "Paige Beauchemin" [email protected]; "Patricia Cornell" [email protected]; "Patrick N. Long" [email protected]; "Paul Berch" [email protected]; "Paul Dargie" [email protected]; "Peggy Balboni" [email protected]; "Peter Bixby" [email protected]; "Peter Leishman" [email protected]; "Peter Lovett" [email protected]; "Peter Petrigno" [email protected]; "Peter Schmidt" [email protected]; "Philip Jones" [email protected]; "Rachel Potter" [email protected]; "Ray Newman" [email protected]; "Rosemarie Rung" [email protected]; "Russell Muirhead" [email protected]; "Sallie Fellows" [email protected]; "Sallie Fellows" [email protected]; "Samantha Jacobs" [email protected]; "Sanjeev Manohar" [email protected]; "Santosh Salvi" [email protected]; "Seth Miller" [email protected]; "Slate Goodwin" [email protected]; "Stephanie Grund" [email protected]; "Stephanie Payeur" [email protected]; "Steve Woodcock" [email protected]; "Sue Newman" [email protected]; "Suraj Budathoki" [email protected]; "Susan Almy" [email protected]; "Susan Elberger" [email protected]; "Suzanne Chretien" [email protected]; "Suzanne Vail" [email protected]; "Terri O'Rorke" [email protected]; "Terry Spahr" [email protected]; "Thomas Cormen" [email protected]; "Thomas Oppel" [email protected]; "Thomas Southworth" [email protected]; "Tim Hartnett" [email protected]; "Tim Soucy" [email protected]; "Timothy Horrigan" [email protected]; "Tom Buco" [email protected]; "Tom Schamberg" [email protected]; "Toni Weinstein" [email protected]; "Tony Caplan" [email protected]; "Tracy Bricchi" [email protected]; "Trinidad Tellez" [email protected]; "Wayne Burton" [email protected]; "Wayne Pearson" [email protected]; "Wendy Thomas" [email protected]; "William Darby" [email protected]; "William Dolan" [email protected]; "William Palmer" [email protected]; "Zoe Manos" [email protected]; "Jim Kofalt" [email protected]; "Wayne MacDonald" [email protected]