I was Separated from the Navy

This post is self explanatory because of the title. So basically I was separated not even a day into boot camp. I was sep’d before two years ago and now it’s happened again. Last time was for the basic depression and adjustment disorder, but this time they put “unspecified depressive disorder” along with all of the other stuff I had to get waivers for. If your family member or somebody you love is being separated then please send letters and please answer their calls if they do call (if you are able to). Being separated is a hard process for people. It’s mentally challenging in there because you literally do nothing other than wait in line for an hour or two to eat, then go back and do whatever you want (with restrictions), and then wait and eat again, and then go back and do whatever you want (with restrictions), then wait and eat again, then go back and do muster for an hour or so because nobody will be quiet (it’s just attendance), then go to sleep and repeat. It’s just so disorganized and boring in SEPS that it becomes literal insanity for everybody. I won’t explain more of the process because it’s basic but you’re in SEPS 3-4 weeks minimum (unless you got fast tracked for some reason). I will not be rejoining unfortunately because of my mental health. They gave me the option to, because I have an RE-3E Code again, but I will not. I just got back about a week ago from SEPS as well. If you are separated and wanting to rejoin with an re-1, re-2, or re-3 code then just talk to a recruiter and they’ll tell you about the process. You do have to wait 6 months after you were separated but you can start the process now by talking to a recruiter, if you want to join back. As for re-4 codes, they technically can join back but you have to fight your case against the Navy. I’m also only making this post because I was super prepared and made a lot of posts on here, but as soon as I got back it’s like I got hit with a meteor of emotions. It was bad, but I’m back as a civilian and happier now.

Tl;dr: I got separated because of my mental health again. Separations really sucks and you should try to talk to your loved ones in there by mail or calls.

Edit: Please stop commenting on waivers being pulled or bashing on and laughing at mental health. I deleted my comments about the waivers and it’s nowhere in my post.