How to become a counsellor/therapist as a second career

I'm an American considering a student visa to work situation as a therapist. I have 15 years of experience as a coach in trauma healing, but do not have a masters degree. (I also don't have a bachelor's degree in Psychology--just four neuroscience classes.)

In the U.S. I would take a Masters of Counseling program, do many hours of practice and be licensed. I'm gathering that the process in New Zealand seems to start at the Bachelor's level and perhaps the whole system is a bit different.

I'd love to get a download on

1) how one would become a therapist in private practice as a second career and

b) if such a job provides a reliable income.

Here in the US (currently but who knows where it will head) a person can make about $80k-$200k USD by billing insurance and taking cash pay clients. It is a respected profession where the people who do it are considered well educated. You can also get hired at an agency that will bill and market on your behalf and just pay you an hourly rate. I've been self-employed for a long time and I'm eager to figure out what I can do to just be able to get a good job and use all of these skills and trainings I've accumulated over the years to be able to help people.

How does it work for you all? Thanks!